And yet despite his spiritual strength, the Master is the humblest and most devoted servant of all. The Master places his Radiant Form within the disciple, and he constantly guides and helps the disciple on both the inner journey as well as in this world. When the Master initiates a person, he guarantees to take that soul back to its true home, and from that moment onwards he never leaves the disciple. He comes here for only one mission – to take souls back to the Father. The Master comes to this earth plane in the garb of a human being, the “Word made flesh”. At the heart and centre of the path is the Satguru, the perfect living Master. Its goal is God-realization through self-realization. The words “Radha Soami” literally mean the union of the soul (Radha) with its Lord (Soami). Sant Mat, also called the Radha Soami teachings – the science of the Soul, the path of the audible life stream, and surat shabd yoga – is a path of love. In the laboratory of your own body, by following the techniques given by the Master, you can prove for yourself the perennial spiritual truths that lie behind most religions and many philosophies, and go far beyond them. Sant Mat – the teachings of the Saints or the path of the Masters – is a process of practical spirituality as taught by a perfect living Master. Those who decide to apply should do so out of an unshakable inner conviction that this is the right path for them, and with a determination that they will exert every effort to live up to its lofty principles. Initiation by a perfect living Master is the most profound step one will ever take. The Master emphasizes that one’s intellect should be completely satisfied, without any doubts about the teachings, before applying for Initiation.

A list of suggested introductory books is included. In addition to studying this booklet, the serious seeker should read widely the extensive Sant Mat literature in order to understand thoroughly the teachings of this path of God-realization. The booklet is intentionally limited in scope, giving primary attention to an explanation of the four vows the seeker will be asked to take at the time of Initiation, and the procedure to be followed in applying for Initiation. This booklet is for sincere seekers living in countries outside of India who are at least 22 years of age and interested in applying for Initiation into the path of Sant Mat, the teachings of the Saints. Abstain from alcohol, tobacco products, habit-forming and mind-altering drugs.